Integrating English
Previous events
We run an annual workshop-style conference for teachers, providing talks and interactive seminars focussed on teaching ideas for integrated language and literature teaching. We also contribute language and literature seminars and papers to other events throughout the year.
Integrating English 2017 Conference at Aston University

Integrating English 2016 Conference at Middlesex University

In November, we held our annual teachers’ conference at Aston University. The day included talks by
Professor Urszula Clark (Aston University) on dialect and identity in poetry
Dr Stephen Pihlaja (Newman University) on online discourse analysis
Dr Chloe Harrison (Coventry University) on schemas and re-reading
Cathy Eldridge (St John Wallis Catholic College) on integrating language and literature in Key Stage 4 schemes of work
Professor Michaela Mahlberg and Viola Wiegand (University of Birmingham) on corpus stylistics and the CLiC project
A workshop led by us on developing resources.
Once again, the day was a huge success and we received very positive feedback including the following comments:
‘A stimulating day’
‘All very useful - good range of materials and concepts’
‘All was so fascinating - will definitely attend more!’
‘Practical approaches to applying theoretical concepts really appreciated’
‘Thank you for a well thought out conference with resources. I look forward to future events’
‘All of it!’ (in response to the question ‘What were particularly useful aspects?')
We are looking forward to our 2018 conference!
Our third annual conference at Middlesex University saw teachers gather for a series of workshops and talks that drew on the latest research in language and literature. Although once again the conference focused on topics that typically appear on AS/A level English Language and Literature specifications, talks also examined ways of adapting the tools and concepts to support learning at Key Stages 3 and 4.
The speakers were:
Marina Lambrou (Kingston University) on narrative and point of view;
Nigel McLoughlin (University of Gloucestershire) on creative writing and poetry;
Andrea Macrae (Oxford Brookes University) on the discourse of fundraising texts;
Ian Cushing and Marcello Giovanelli (Aston University) on Text World Theory;
Lisa Casey (St Michael’s College) on developing language and literature approaches at Key Stage 3;
Finally, Billy Clark (Middlesex University) led a resources development session where delegates and presenters worked together to explore the potential for developing materials for the classroom.
Once again, we were delighted by the success of the day and by the positive feedback we received (see below). Many thanks to Middlesex University for hosting the event and to our additional sponsors Cambridge University Press and the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA).
Teachers' feedback
“Thank you. Good to be the student giving us thinking space in the lang-lit classroom!”
“Was very useful as a networking opportunity”
“Really stimulating. Good range of input”
“Practical and applicable ideas and resources”
“Fascinating discussions!”
“Thank you very much. Well organised with excellent resources and facilities”
“Lots of extracts and ideas I can apply to A-level. Can filter ideas down – fabulous”
“A fantastic conference. Many thanks to all the contributors”
“All of the presentations were excellent. I will utilise them to some extent in all my teaching across the school”
“A brilliant day – thank you!”
“Thank you so much for the superb day and the toolkit – really useful. Enjoyed it just as much as last year. When is the next one?”
Integrating English 2015 Conference at Oxford Brookes University

This report was originally published in the PArLAnce newsletter of one of the conference’s sponsors, PALA.
PALA was a key supporter of the second conference on Integrating Language and Literature in the Classroom which took place in July this year at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford (our other sponsors were Cambridge University Press and Oxford Brookes University).
Teachers from around the country (as well as local teachers from Oxford) gathered for a series of interactive talks and workshops designed to share ideas and help develop teaching ideas. There was a particular focus on ideas which would help with delivery of the new A Level English specifications.
The event was organised by PALAns Andrea Macrae, Marcello Giovanelli and Billy Clark as part of the Integrating English project (
Andrea, Marcello and Billy each led sessions. Other speakers were Michaela Mahlberg, Jessica Mason, Sara Mills, Rob Pope and Peter Stockwell.
The sessions focused on conflict in literature, point of view, storytelling, foregrounding, feminist linguistic analysis, and re-creative writing. Peter and Michaela also demonstrated the CLiC (Corpus Linguistics in Cheshire) corpus tool and some of the ways it can be used in teaching and in projects. The current version of the tool can be found at:
Nearly all of the speakers took part in all of the sessions and there was a resource development workshop to explore ways of developing specific classroom activities.
The feedback after the event was extremely positive.
We’re looking forward to next year’s event at Middlesex University.
Big thanks to PALA for the support!
Teachers’ feedback
"Genuinely, the most useful, engaging, inspiring course I’ve been on! Lots of ideas to use in the classrom, and really increased my vocabulary of the subject. I feel energised and excited about bringing some of these things back to school. Thank you!" Andrew Skinner, Aylesbury Grammar School.
"A wonderful celebration and investigation of ways of teaching and learning in and around English. English fully and flexibly (re)conceived." Robe Pope, guest speaker and author of Textual Intervention (Routledge)
"Thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and found them very informative. Practical sessions a good way to consolodate new items." Anonymous.
"Really enjoyed the event. Ideas were presented in an interesting way and we were given time to ask questions and develop strategies for the classroom. THANK YOU!" Kathryn Hardy, St. Marylebone School.
"Really useful for me as I'm new to the subject. I feel much more confident now! Great range of seminars and lectures - really useful IT session too. Great links to resources. Useful workshops and sessions for planning. Thank you!" Anonymous.
"Event very enjoyable and stimulating. Good atmosphere and good to share ideas and to apply the ideas presented. Interesting speakers and good to have opportunities to apply the ideas in a group. Many thanks!" Anonymous.
"I've enjoyed every session and appreciated the range of subjects covered. The balance of informality and scholarship was especially conducive to participation and learning. Will definitely try to talk my school into letting me come again! Many thanks." Clare Middleton, Wheatley Park School.
"Great pace, with exactly the right balance between lecture / seminar / time to discuss / assimlate / apply. Example texts, especially media pieces and selected extracts that demonstrate concepts, was especially useful. Will definitely come / send someone again." Anonymous.
"Thanks for the wonderful event. It's really great to have an enthusiastic group of people to lead it. Makes me want to take this information further." Anonymous.
"I found the whole weekend very stimulating and useful. I was impressed by the energy and generosity of the speakers." Vicky Bullard, St. Clares
Other talks and presentations
We have presented papers, talked about our project and run seminars at the following events:
CLiC Dickens Celebration Event: presentation on Integrating English project, Birmingham, 8th December 2017.
Integrating English Conference 2017: Integrating Language and Literature Teaching in the Classroom, Aston University, 3rd November 2017, sponsored by Aston University, Cambridge University Press, and the Poetics and Linguistics Association.
English Shared Futures: two seminars on close reading and on developing connections and transition, Newcastle, July 2017.
Integrating English Conference 2016: Integrating Language and Literature Teaching in the Classroom, Middlesex University, 11th November 2016, sponsored by Middlesex University, Cambridge University Press, and the Poetics and Linguistics Association.
Academics in the Classroom: presentation on Integrating English project, at Hertford College, Oxford, 15th-16th August 2016.
Integrating English Conference 2015: Integrating Language and Literature Teaching in the Classroom, Oxford University, 10th-11th July 2015, sponsored by Oxford Brookes University, Cambridge University Press, and the Poetics and Linguistics Association.
‘What do we do when we do close reading?’ Seminar at NATE, Newcastle, 26th-27th June 2015
‘Rethinking English’, Presentation at iMean conference, University of Warwick, 9th-11th April 2015
Integrating English Conference 2014: Integrating Language and Literature Teaching in the Classroom, University of Nottingham, 19th June 2014, sponsored by University of Nottingham, Cambridge University Press, and the Poetics and Linguistics Association.
‘Integrating Language and Literature in the Classroom’ Seminar at NATE Annual Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, June 2013